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Just Firewalls: The Hacker that Stole Christmas
Settle in for our festive fable which highlights the benefits of good cyber security, and what can happen to a small business’s Christmas without it…
In a nation of pet lovers.
furry friends abound
We all want to treat them
to the best gifts around.
This tale’s fictional biz, Woof & Grrr
sell products for all doggy bundles of fur.
With toys, treats, and care products
for discerning canines,
they never thought their cybersecurity
would get left behind.
So let’s begin.
Our story unfurls,
with Woof & Grrr bringing joy to
good boys and girls.
This time of year,
it’s pressies galore,
With the team happily sending
doggy treats out the door.
But across town,
trouble’s brewing.
A plan is being hatched
to Woof & Grrr’s undoing.
Norbert is
an expert in hacking
Hoodie in tow,
social life, lacking.
He pretends to be others,
he says “for a living”
A phishing attack here, a catfish there,
but that’s just the beginning.
Woof & Grrr post
on their LinkedIn page,
it’s Linda’s birthday!
you know, her from accounts – she’s 50 years of age!
Norbert sees this
and the plan is set.
Woof & Grrr?
An easy get.
Norbert pretends to be June,
Another firm’s accounts lady.
Her LinkedIn friend sending an ecard
it doesn’t look shady.
An unwitting Linda clicks;
“That’s nice of June!”
But if she had a crystal ball,
she’d soon change her tune.
“Many happy returns” reads the card.
Inoffensive and pleasant.
But the risk this “spear phish” hides
will soon become omnipresent.
Linda’s click sends a gremlin,
lying in wait.
Ransomware waiting
to seal the firm’s fate.
Until Christmas Day
our ransomware sprite
just sits on Linda’s PC, waiting to bite.

At a minute-past-twelve on Christmas Day.
That’s when the code will have its way.
Whilst Norbert’s code-imp
surveys its estate,
our dog-loving team
think everything’s great!
And as they despatch
last-minute doggy delights,
the clock ticks down
towards a festive fright.
The MD Cheryl’s planning great things for next year,
more than just serving doggies treats and cheer.
Animals of all sizes will benefit, not just your dog,
from Woof & Grrr’s new and improved catalogue.
Donkeys and doves,
hamsters and rats,
iguanas and geckos,
and *sigh* even cats.
As the doors close and the team say “see you next year!”,
another character appears.
It’s Woof & Grrr’s ancient firewall.
They’ve had him for years.
He was too old and obsolete
to see Norbert’s threat come through.
But they think he’s doing a good job.
If only they knew.
At midnight, Christmas morning,
Santa’s longest shift of the year.
The ransomware gremlin sets to work,
Norbert had no fear.
As the gremlin boots up Linda’s PC
and starts tying data in knots,
it displays a ransom message,
and then, it spots…
I’ll go and have a cuddle.
There’s lots more data
over there to muddle.”
As the Woof & Grrr team
Tuck into their turkey,
the damage has been done,
the company’s future: murky.
Norbert’s gremlin delights in creating chaos.
The subject of this fable’s imminent pathos.
Though it’s Christmas day,
workaholic Cheryl tries to dial in.
“I’m just paying an invoice dear”,
much to her partner’s chagrin.
An error? On our server?
Like nothing she’d seen before.
No resources found. No data seen.
Every web page – 404.

Cheryl calls Dave,
an indifferent sort,
their resident IT expert –
or at least, so they thought.
“Dave, the server’s down,
I can’t get through.”
The safe for work version
Of Dave’s response? “Oh, poo.”
As Boxing Day breaks,
and Jack Frost is lurking,
and countless households look forward
to leftover turkey,
Cheryl & Dave meet
on the cold car park.
Peering into the office
left in the dark.
Cheryl opens it up and pops the kettle on.
Silently fuming, but she won’t let on.
“It all looks… encrypted”
says Dave with dismay.
And he sees a message.
It’s definitely not okay.
A big red padlock – and on it, a skull.
Norbert’s just waiting for his Bitcoin wallet to be full.
Says Dave – “It’s ransomware!”
Cheryl – “How could this happen!?”
That age-old firewall let it through.
They need to send it packing.
But what should they do now?
The whole business encrypted?
Whether you pay the ransom or not,
livelihoods are afflicted.
And what’s that?
That’s Linda’s IP.
She barely knows what “an internet” even is,
how could this be?
So Cheryl pays up.
It’s a massive cost.
Others in her situation
may tell Dave and Linda to get lost.
Yet Cheryl knows
no one’s to blame.
Only herself,
it’s really a shame.
Cybersecurity’s a massive threat.
not just at Christmas –
for every home,
and every business.
Fast-forward a year,
Woof & Grrr, now protected.
‘Cause the January after
the error was corrected.
Cheryl spoke to Just Firewalls
who sorted them out
with next-gen protection
after giving them a shout.
“But the best cyber defence,”
Says Andy, Just Firewalls’ MD,
“Is good cyber training
and staying blame-free.”
really is ace.
It teaches your team
not to err in the first place.
And don’t blame your company’s
Linda or Dave,
even though
the outcome was truly grave.
They’re trying their best,
they’re just being steered,
Phishing emails let you
Says Andy “Apply your updates
and try not to falter.
Now I’ll have some chicken treats for Winston,
and a ball-thrower for Walter.
Though this time
Norbert had his way,
the business’s wallet was dented.
That cash just went away.
Don’t fall afoul
of similar tricks.
Cybercriminals are out
for cash and for kicks.

Happy Hackmas and a Cyber Secure New Year – from all us here at Just Firewalls!
Speak to the team at Just Firewalls today. To keep security in, and hackers at bay.